Vasco da Gama CoLAB
Energy Storage

Vasco da Gama CoLAB is a collaborative laboratory, supported by the Portuguese Agencies for Science and Technology (FCT) and Innovation (ANI). VG CoLAB was established in 2019 in Porto as a non-profit private association, and the associates include public and private partners from academia and industry.
VG CoLAB develops innovative system-oriented technological solutions applying energy storage to enable the energy transition. Fuelled by industrial and services sectors, it delivers mid-TRL prototypes and business support services scaling up relevant and novel scientific research findings.
VG CoLAB in the battery value chain

Raw materials extraction
Active materials selection
Battery packs & Systems design
Application & Integration
Second life
Cell scale-up
Sodium-ion batteries
Redox Flow Batteries

Modules and Packs
Design & development of modules and packs
Battery Management Systems (BMS)

Power electronics & Grid Interface
Modular configurable converters
Distributed & decentralised control in microgrids
BESS sizing tools